Holistic therapies & art
negative energy protection shield

Negative Energy Protection Shield
The Chi Ball of Protection is a powerful energy sphere that acts as a shield.
It has the ability to keep away all those low frequency energies that are capable of contaminating a person's golden field and therefore negatively influencing an energetic, physical, mental and spiritual level.
Apportando pensieri sfavorevoli, malattie, scelte non consone alla missione della nostra anima. Ostacolando così il cammino verso la luce. È facile venir attaccati psichicamente da persone tossiche e da vampiri energetici, non sempre però siamo coscienti di chi abbiamo difronte o non sappiamo come difenderci da tali predatori.
Bringing unfavorable thoughts, illnesses, choices not suited to the mission of our soul. Thus hindering the path towards the light. It is easy to be psychically attacked by toxic people and energy vampires, but we are not always aware of who we are dealing with or we do not know how to defend ourselves from such predators. Here the Chi Ball of Protection plays an important role in safeguarding our psychophysical well-being.
The Chi Ball can have multiple layers depending on the intensity of what we want to remain outside our electromagnetic field and our aura.
Everyone will decide according to their own feelings and situation, but usually 3 layers are more than enough.
The Chi Ball of protection remains with us forever, it has no expiring date.
However, it is a good idea to recharge it from time to time. This can be done by the teacher who sent it to you or you can do it yourself if you know how to create energy spheres, i.e. if you have taken the Chi Ball Creator Master course.
The price varies depending on the layers of the Chi Ball
1 layer – €35
2 layers – €40
3 layers – €45
You will receive:
a distant activation via Chi Ball
a manual in English via email or whatsapp
a certificate with R.E.O.O certified spiritual lineage. (European Register of Holistic Operators)
Energy activations and treatments absolutely do not replace a doctor's diagnosis or therapy
doctor or psychologist. For this reason I decline any responsibility for any inconvenience caused by a distorted understanding of what has been said.
I underline that activation alone, as with all energetic activities, is not enough. The results depend on how much activity and exercise is dedicated by each individual. For this reason, the results may vary from person to person. It is not enough to be activated to obtain maximum harmonizing benefits.
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