Holistic therapies & art
What Medicine and Science say about Reiki Healing

Reiki is being used as a Complementary Therapy in HOSPITALS and CLINICS :
Tucson Medical Center in Arizona, Portsmouth Regional Hospital in New Hampshire, and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Hospital in New York. Reiki is also offered to patients at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP) Medical School, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, Marian General Hospital, and the California Pacific Medical Center. In Cleveland, hospitals are considering the creation of a specific Reiki clinic.
In Vermont, there is already a complementary medicine clinic at the Windsor Hospital where Reiki practitioners work. New hospitals are added to the list almost daily.
The US Government recognizes Reiki as a Complementary Medicine
Reiki and Breast Cancer
Reiki in Hospitals
The Reiki Clinic in Tucson Medical Center USA
The place of Reiki is in Hospitals
Science Validates Reiki Healing
Science Measures the Human Energy Fields
The Human Energy Fields
Medical Bibliographical Research on the Effect of Reiki
The US government recognizes Reiki as Complementary Medicine
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), a component of the National Institute of Health, for information regarding official recognition of Reiki. It also contains information about official tests and research that are being carried out with Reiki.
Reiki and Breast Cancer

Reiki and Breast Cancer
by Margaret Dubay Mikus, Ph.D.

Long View Nursing HomeLong View Nursing Home began offering Reiki to its residents suffering from Alzheimer's in 1999. Results show that it calms patients, reduces pain and irritability, helps them sleep and most of all gives them much-needed human contact.
In this article, a doctor from the Mayo Clinic comments that 40% of Americans use alternative medicine as a complement to conventional treatments, including Reiki. http://www.simplyreiki.co.uk/reiki_andhiv.htm

Can "Distance Healing" help HIV cases? By Steven Bratman, M.D.

Reiki in Hospitals
Reiki in Hospitals
by William Lee Rand
In hospitals and clinics across America, Reiki is beginning to be accepted as a significant, low-cost method of improving patient care. "Reiki sessions help patients heal faster and with less pain," says Marilyn Vega, RN, a nurse at Manhattan Hospital in New York. Reiki speeds up surgical recoveries, improves mental attitudes, and reduces the negative effects of medication and other medical procedures.
Vega, a Reiki Master, includes Reiki with her regular practices as a nurse. His fame in the hospital spreads from mouth to mouth and both patients and hospital staff request Reiki sessions in the operating and post-operative rooms. In addition, she has been asked to apply Reiki to cancer patients at Sloane Kettering Memorial Hospital, including bone marrow transplant patients. After recognizing the benefits of Reiki treatments, 6 doctors and 25 nurses were trained to offer Reiki sessions.
Reiki is being accepted by traditional practitioners. In some hospitals, it is being incorporated into the list of services offered to patients, often by their own doctors and nurses previously trained to give Reiki.
Scientific Evidences in several American Hospitals
Reiki in several American Hospitals . Scientific Evidences. The Reiki Clinic at the Tucson, Arizona Medical Center has a team of Reiki Practitioners who offer Reiki to patients in their rooms. The program has been coordinated by Sally Soderlund, RN, Manager of Oncology Support Services. The program started in May 1995. Three Reiki Masters tried to set up a clinic, but lacked the necessary funds. Looking for solutions to the problem, they contacted Sanday Haywood, Administrator of the Tucson Medical Center, and offered to give sessions to hospital patients. Haywood was open to supportive care and made it easy to get the program started. The program began in the Department of Cancer Care but has since expanded to other departments of the hospital. The Reiki team explains the procedure to the patients before starting the treatment. They try not to use the word "Reiki" at first, focusing it more on the context of "energy to heal". They are informed how this energy exists in the body but that it is reduced when a person is sick and that the sessions consist of increasing this energy. They came to the conclusion that it is better not to use terms like auras, chakras, etc. because they tend to confuse the patient. It works best simply by explaining that hand contact is something everyone likes. They have also learned to use the Reiki word "session" instead of "treatment" to reduce the patient's anxiety. The main reason the program is so successful is that patients like Reiki and request it. Patients enjoy the session and ask for more after their first experience. Nurses have also noted that Reiki has positive effects on patients, reducing pain, increasing relaxation, and improving sleep and appetite. Reiki at Portsmouth Regional Hospital (USA) Patricia Alandy is a nurse and Reiki Master. She is the Assistant Director of Surgical Services at Portsmouth Hospital, New Hampshire. With the support of the Directorate, he has managed to make Reiki available to patients in the Department of Surgery. Reiki sessions are given by 20 members of the medical team that Patricia trained in the practice of Reiki, including nurses, doctors, therapists, technicians, and other team members. Reiki services started in 1997 and 400 patients have received sessions. Reiki practitioners do not enter into spiritual issues or "New Age" topics and are limited to giving Reiki "pure and hard". For this reason, Reiki is accepted by all patients, including the elderly, who are more reluctant to unorthodox ideas. The California Pacific Medical Center Reiki Program California Pacific Medical Center is one of the largest hospitals in Northern California. His Health and Healing Clinic helps the chronically and seriously ill using a wide range of complementary medicine, including Reiki. The clinic has six treatment rooms with two doctors, Dr. Mike Cantwell, a pediatrician specializing in contagious diseases and a Reiki Master, and Dr. Amy Saltzman, a specialist in internal medicine with additional training in acupuncture and meditation. They work closely with local GPs to determine the best way to treat the patient using a detailed questionnaire. The clinic is very popular, with a waiting list of over 100 patients. Dr. Cantwell says, "Reiki is very useful for treating serious illnesses such as muscle and bone damage, serious infections, and asthma. Reiki is also useful for treating chronic illnesses, especially those that cause a lot of pain." http://www.reikifed.co.uk/hospitals.htm The place of Reiki is in Hospitals by Carole Easton Since I discovered Reiki, I knew that I needed to introduce it to hospitals and I thought that the best way was through nurses and doctors. That way, they could introduce it to their patients. I needed to set an example and at the Lynden Hill Clinic, I established the first Reiki Clinic in England. Over the years, most of our team, including doctors, nurses, and administrative staff, have learned Reiki and use it on a daily basis. We offer workshops and continuous courses for doctors and nurses from other hospitals who come to learn the technique. The benefits are manifold and we think the Lynden Hill Clinic is a wonderful example of how Reiki works in a medical setting. The Advantages of Reiki in a Hospital Reiki is so simple. It does not need preparation and can be used anywhere in the hospital including surgery, intensive care, outpatient, etc. It can be used in combination with any treatment. It has no side effects or contraindications. The patient can be sitting, lying down, or standing. It works through the cast. Reiki does not depend on the state of consciousness of the person who receives it. The patient can be in a coma or in intensive care without this being an impediment to Reiki treatments. Just a few minutes of Reiki can drastically change the patient's situation. Stress becomes peace and panic disappears, which is why it is very useful in emergency situations. Nurses working in pediatric units discover that children respond very well to Reiki. Children do not have preconceived ideas about healing, which is why they are very open to this therapy. http://www.healing.co.uk/comp/federationform.html Reiki and Prince Charles of England If you are a Reiki practitioner and are interested in working with Social Security, the Government is funding support to make this happen, following the wishes of Prince Charles to integrate medicine into Britain. On June 5, 1998, 28 Reiki Masters and practitioners came together under the Integrated Care Organizations (ICO) the government body responsible for organizing complementary medicine. The ICO is subsidized by the Department of Education and Employment and the Dept. of Commerce and Industry. A committee has been created to explore the possibility of establishing a national organization for the education, training, and monitoring of Reiki in the public sphere. http://www.reiki.org/reikinews/2-9-01/how_we_got_reiki_in_to_the_hosp.html

Kirlian Technology Reiki
In Russia, scientific research on the Biomagnetic Field has resulted in several discoveries. One of them is the Kirlian Camera, which captures this field when a part of the body comes into contact with a photographic plate, and the Gas Discharge Visualization machine, invented in 1939 by Dr. K. Korotkov. http://www.reiki-4-all.com/kirlian.html
Science validates Healing with Reiki
Spiritual healing
This is one of the few long-term studies of Spiritual Healing.
Adina Leah Goldman Shore, Ph.D.,
Long-term effects of energetic healing systems on symptoms of psychological depression and self-perceived stress. Institute for Transpersonal Psychology, 2002.
The Electromagnetic Field of the Heart

Science measures the Human Energy Field
Energy is a topic that is discussed in many aspects of complementary treatments, including Reiki. For historical and emotional reasons, there are two words that are not mentioned in "respectable" academic circles: energy and hands-on healing. So it is not a surprise that Reiki therapy has been ignored by traditional biomedical science.
But this situation is changing rapidly due to important research around the world.
The way that concepts like "energy that heals" have gone from being viewed with suspicion and ridicule to being respected is one of the most fascinating and clinically relevant things that has happened in recent times. As it occurs in many fields of research, something that 20 years ago was "proven" not to exist, today the opposite is proven. For example, in this period of time, scientists have gone from the absolute conviction that the body does not have an energy field to the realization that it does exist. Most people are simply not aware of this research and persist in their belief that there is no logical basis for energy healing. The main reason for this change in attitude has been the development of instruments sensitive enough to detect minute energy fields around the human body. Of special relevance is the SQUID Magnetometer, which is capable of detecting tiny biomagnetic fields associated with physiological activities in the body. These same fields have so far been ignored by scientists because there was no way to measure them.
The Human Energy Field
It has been known for years that the activities of cells and tissues generate electrical fields that can be detected on the surface of the skin. But the laws of physics state that any electric current must generate its corresponding magnetic field in the space around it. Since these fields were too small to be detected, biologists concluded that they had no physiological significance.
Bibliographical Research on the Effects of Reiki
Brown, F. (1992). Reiki is accepted in an American hospital. A journal of wisdom. pp. 3.16.
Reiki has seen positive effects on Cancer patients.
Clark, L. (1988). Reiki used by a GP: A report based on 29 treated patients. A study suggests that Reiki treatments can reduce visits to the doctor.
Kennedy, P. (2001). Working with Reiki with torture survivors in Sarajevo.
Complementary therapies in Nursing and Childbirth 7:4- Reiki and Traumas
Mansour, A., Beuche, M., Laing, G., Leis A., & Nurse, J. (1999). A Study to Check the Efficacy of Placebo Procedures to Study the Efficacy of Reiki, The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 5(2):153-164. It brings up the fact that it can be done.
McCabe, P., Ramsey, L., & Taylor, B. (1995). Complementary therapies for nursing practices in Australia (Discussion Paper No. 2). Canberra, Australia: Royal College of Nursing Australia. Suggests that Reiki has a positive impact on treated patients
Olson, K. & Hanson, J. (1997). Using Reiki for Pain: A Preliminary Report, Cancer Prevention, and Control. 1(2):108-13. Study of Reiki and the pain caused by Cancer.
Oschman, J.L. (2000). Energy Medicine, the scientific basis. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
Science and Reiki.
Wetzel, W.S. (1989). Reiki Healing: A Physiological Perspective. Journal of Holistic Nursing,
1, 47-54. Significant changes in hemoglobin and hematocrit levels after Reiki treatments.