The Divine Feminine was celebrated in many ancient cultures under different names: the Egyptians had Isis, the Greeks had Aphrodite, the Romans had Venus, and the Hindus Shakti. They all represented the divine power that connected and bonded the Earth together. Their main qualities were: love, compassion, lust, beauty, pleasure and procreation.
In Taoism and in traditional Chinese medicine, the female energy is called Yin, and it is something that we all have, despite our gender, since it sits in our brains together with the masculine energy called Yang.
Am I connected to the Divine Feminine?
When you are not connected to your Divine Feminine you are disconnected to your feeling, emotions and intuitions and you may experience many psychological and physical imbalances.

How can I activate my Feminine Energy and my Inner Goddess?
To activate our inner goddess, we just need to become aware of our powers to start cultivating them. Once we have identified it, we can begin to honor and accept it for who we truly are.
