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Why should I get a Holistic Reiki massage?

Updated: Feb 25, 2023

A Holistic Reiki massage is a therapeutic treatment that includes a variety of energetic and physical technics such as Western and Oriental Massage, Reiki, Reflexology, Digitopressure, and Aromatherapy. This treatment is for the benefit of your whole being, and it heals physical, mental and emotional imbalances.

The therapist will choose the best treatment combination, depending on the specific needs of the patient.

What is the difference between Holistic Reiki and remedial massage?

A Holistic Reiki massage gets and heals the cause that produces a particular imbalance, stress, or trauma, generating a significant change and transformation in the patient's life.

A Remedial massage helps treat muscles that are damaged, knotted, tense, or immobile and it just temporarily relieves mental and emotional stress.

What is Reiki energy healing?

Reiki is an oriental energy healing technics that uses gentle hand movements on particular parts of the body in order to clear blockages on all levels.

It basically works on the electromagnetic field of the body as well as on organs, hormones and the central nervous system.

It can be compared to acupuncture, even if Reiki gets deeper and therefore it is more powerful.

How will I feel after a Holistic Reiki Massage?

How the body reacts after such a treatment is very personal. Generally speaking, people may experience a renewed sense of balance, energy, and health. Sometimes people also may experience some temporary discomfort: tiredness, fatigue, and dizziness may occur, but, in fact, this is a very good sign and it means that your body is reacting and cleansing.

What are the benefits of a Holistic Reiki Massage?

  • Stress Reduction and Healthy Coping Skills

  • Physical and Mental Vitality

  • Immune System Booster

  • Spiritual Connection

  • Better Overall Health

  • Increased Self Esteem and Identity

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